Monday, September 12, 2011

Review: Marvel Universe Scarlet Spider

i figured nothing would be more fitting for my first review than the recently released Marvel Universe Scarlet Spider figure.

Scarlet Spider is one of my all time favorite characters, and I am definitely excited to see a figure that really does him justice.

This figure uses the more recent Spider-man buck (basic body), which eliminated the small size and slightly odd proportions of the earlier MU Spidey figures. This buck also eliminated the sculpted lines in favor of painted lines. It is hit or miss as far as Spider-Man figures go, but it is a real benefit when it comes to using the buck for other characters like Scarlet Spider. On a side note, I'd like to see this buck used on some other characters like Daredevil, who's earlier figure could use a redo.


*ball jointed head

*ball jointed shoulders (peg and hinge is the correct term i believe, but not one i like, i think i will start using "disk and post ball joint")

*bicep cut

*hinged elbow

*cut wrist (for wrist rotation)

*mid-torso (allows for front/back, side to side and rotation
*ball and socket hip joint

*thigh cut

*double hinged knee

*disk and post ankle (front/back and rotation)

the figure is a rather plain red (which is accurate to the character) with accessories of sculpted silver wrist bands, brown ankle pouches, a well painted brown and silver belt, and of course his trademark blue hoodie

the hoodie is a very well sculpted rubber piece, with just the right amount of sculpted folds, the hood in the back, and even sculpted draw strings on the front of the hoodie. the spider symbol on the front and back are painted very well, which is sometimes hard to accomplish with that much sculpted detail. i would also point out that the hoodie doesnt hinder his mid-torso articulation at all

of debate among some fans is the fact that Scarlet Spider's white eyes are outlined in black. in most source material, and most previous figures of Scarlet Spider (even the Super Hero Squad figure), the eyes have been plain white with no outline. for my tastes, i think the black outline looks good

a couple things that i would have like to have seen different, only those initial Spider-Man figures came with a web-shooting hand, every figure since (including the black costume, Iron Spider costume, and now Scarlet Spider) has had a fist and an open palm. i would like to see one day if we can get to the point where we have interchangeable hands so we are not as limited with possible poses.

another thing, some of the more recent MU figures have had a newly designed foot joint that adds a major side to side tilt, allowing the foot to tilt all the way sideways. Scarlet Spider really would have benefited from this joint more than some of the figures that actually got it (Apocalypse for instance), but i imagine his foot is a bit small to try adding the extra articulation.

all in all, even if you aren't a huge Scarlet Spider fan, this is still a solid figure that demonstrates everything that Hasbro is doing right with the Marvel Universe line.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to more reviews man!

    I would say more but the review is spot on xD
